September 2014 Bulletin





New BETTER Coho Regulations

Department of Fisheries and Oceans has announced  that the offshore water of Nootka Sound & Esperanza Inlet are now open to Four (4) Coho per day retention marked or unmarked, possession 8, effective Monday September 15th – December 31st, 2014.

So we now have the same regulations outside the surf line for Coho as we do inside the Inlet & Sound. GREAT.

Coho catching remain strong in shore with limits of 12-16.5lb fish being common. Now that the regulations have changed we will see many more off shore Coho on the cleaning tables.

Ray Chittenden sorting through his crews limit of 12 Coho with 2 Chinook mixed in Chinook are still Hooking UP!!

September Fishing & Catching are the BEST!!!

The Halibut & Ling Cod are thick and moved into 150ft of water because of all the feed. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!!

GREAT MIX BAG--After catching 4 Nice Hali & 4 Good Ling Tyler Hunt & Dave Smith move into Esperanza at Centre Is. & Caught 7 bright Coho BIG Ling Cod for these two Edmonton fellows 42lb & 37lb