Best Salmon Enhancement Derby EVER!!!

           N49* 55' 13   W126* 39' 78.5

Hello {tag:firstname},






Best Salmon Enhancement Derby EVER!!!

   Derby 2016  The patio, cleaning tables & Marina are full at days end

Yes, we broke another record by Raising $35,745!!!

Why does this continue to occur? Answer is simple!

The Sponsors and people who enter this Derby- Get IT!

“IT REALLY is ALL about the FISH”

 This big one is mine- Debbie P.  All smiles..Nice Ling Cod  Bruce with his 13.5lb Coho

 Nice bucket of Ground Fish  Elizabrth trying to talk the Judge up  Bill- "The King of Tahsis Spring, Condo Assoc.

This year’s Winners-

Everybody who entered left the awards Banquet with a prize.

Largest Fish Awards:

Chinook 1st Doug Hancock-29.25lb, 2nd Steve Noga-27.75lbs, 3rd Dave Smith-27.25lbs

Coho 1st Jeff Yamada-14.8lbs, 2nd Scott Barnes-14lbs, 3rd Darrel Running/Bruce Blankley-13.5lbs tied

Cod 1st Christopher Kleine-28lbs, Willian Houston-27lbs, Scott Barnes-25.5lbs All Ling Cod

Halibut hidden weights- Elizabeth Easton, Paul Schultz & Ron Taylor

 The Judge  Volunteers at Banquet, Kim & Maureen Frank President Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society 
 Gary topping fuel up while son Danny weighs in  This big one is mine.  
 Friday night buffet dinner...Yum Yum  2 of the first 150+ Banquet Attendees Richard & Birte  
 Can you find yourself in the banquet crowd?

 BBq Chicken at the Awards Banquet cooked by Frank Collins

Jason Hozempa & Dawne Siemens

Thank You to our Major Sponsors:

Redl Sorts Distributors, Scotty Marine Products, Breakers Marine, Suzuki Canada, Endurance Marine, Lordco Autoparts, Shockwave Marine Seats, Grieg Seafoods, Superstore, Coastal Mountain Fuels, Bradly Smokers, Canadian Tire, Gibbs Delta Tackle

Thank You to our other 156 important gift/prize Sponsors

Thank You to the 33 VIP & Corporate Contributors.

Thank You to the Derby Participants

“We Thank You & The Fish Thank You”

“IT Really is ALL About the FISH”

Cathy & John Falavolito   250-934-7672 or 800-992-3252

Westview Marina & Lodge

Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 24 Years


